10 Easy Collage Ideas for Your Art Journal


How often have you felt creatively frozen when staring at a blank page in your art journal?

You finally have some free time to be creative. But, you don’t know what to do. You feel frozen and unable to start. It’s so frustrating!

When I hit this creative block, I like to have some “formulas” I can choose from. Limiting my options, frees my brain up from being stuck and frozen in overwhelm. I find fewer decisions reduces my brain fatigue and my creativity starts to flow again.

Here are 10 easy formulas to use the next time you feel stuck.

1. Make a Grid - Cut images into squares or rectangles. Glue down the larger images first. Fill in the empty spaces with the smaller images.


2. Choose One Color - This is called a monochromatic color scheme. Mono = one, chroma = color. Find magazine pages with your chosen color, making sure you have a mix of  light, medium, and dark values of that color. I chose to cut small squares, but any shape that pleases you will work.


3. Cut Stripes - Horizontal stripes are the most soothing, diagonal stripes have the most energy. Cut the magazine pages you’ve chosen into strips. Play around with the placement of the strips to see what orientation fits your mood today.


4. Punch or Cut Circles - You can use all the same size circles, or vary the sizes. I chose to use colors that sit next to each other on the color wheel (analogous colors) and I added a few rubber stamped circles, too.


5. Find a Quote - Find a quote that resonates with your mood. You can print it out, or cut words from old books or magazines to spell out your quote. Unfortunately, when I made this page I didn’t write down the source of my quote. I’m sending my apologies out to the author.


6. Use Found Words - These words reflect the challenges I was facing and the behaviors I was practicing to help me face these challenges.


7. Find One Big Image - This image still brings a smile to my face. Remember, there are no art police!


8. Start with a Phrase - “Ask for an abundant life…” acknowledges the abundance I already experience.


9. Pick a Theme - I chose images with an Autumn/Fall feeling for my collage. You could create a collage inspired by your favorite place, or even a memory of a loved one.


10. Repeat a Shape with a Paper Punch - You can cut your chosen shape out by hand as well. Hearts, diamonds, and triangles are all easy shapes to cut freehand.


If you would like to see a flip through of this journal, you can watch my video by clicking here.

Limiting your choices will support you in taking creative action. So, the next time you feel stuck with your art journal, choose one of these simple collage ideas for a page starter. 

Remember to breathe.

Extra love,
