Therese Bradley Art
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Art heals by accepting the pain and doing something with it.
— Shawn McNiff


My Story

Several years ago I found myself in the pit that is depression. I was fragile and had lost my resiliency in the face of life’s challenges. With the support of my FNP, I tried different medications and dosages but my body didn’t like it. I experienced negative side effects that got in the way of my day to day living. My body forced me to slow down and focus on making inner changes in order to heal. I’ve been an overachieving, people pleaser most of my life. I’ve found my value in doing doing doing, so slowing down has been really hard for me.

Creating art helps me slow down. I get lost in the process, and tune into my sensory experiences. I love all the colors I can mix up and the feel of my paintbrushes (or fingers!) pushing paint onto my art surface.

When I create art, the noise of my worries and anxieties fades away. I can follow where my heart leads, and listen to intuition whispering in my ear.